Finland’s edible insects Festival
Finland’s first insect food festival will be held on 29 November 2018 in Väinö Kallio restaurant in Helsinki. The morning of the Bug 2018 festival is tailor-made for food professionals. In the evening, the doors will be opened to the whole population and the program includes an insects-food show presented by the companies of the […]
IPIFF annual Conference
Bringing together insect producing companies, high level representatives from the EU institutions, industry & consumers’ representatives, this conference aims to take stock of main drivers towards the development of European insect sector. This event will also explore different avenues for insect producers to best respond to European consumers and farmers’ demands, notably in the context […]
Insetti commestibili al Salone del Gusto
Sorry, this entry is available in italian only Sep 20, 2018Entomofago
Maker Faire Rome 2018
Maker Faire is the Greatest Show (and Tell) on Earth – a family-friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the Maker Movement. It’s a place where people of all ages and backgrounds gather together to show what they are making, and share what they are learning. It’s an event whose mission […]
InsectSpace Symposium
The symposium InsectSpace 2018 will focus on edible insects for human consumption. How can we overcome disgust and repulsion with insects? Researchers, food scientists, entrepreneurs and food designers will present interesting insights about why and how to use insects in our diet. Wageningen – October 10 Info and tickets here Sep 14, 2018Entomofago
Horizon Insects
Interview with Tiziana di Costanzo, co-founder of Horizon Insects How did you get involved with the edible insect world? All the way back in 1995, an old lady approached our taxi in Bangkok and offered us a little plastic bag full of beautiful emerald-green beetles. When she saw the puzzled expression on our faces, she […]
The MIGHTi project
Interview with Valerie Sull, cofounder of Mighti Tell us about the project Mighti MIGHTi –which stands for the Mission to Improve Global Health Through Insects- is a collaborative research project housed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. We use robust, interdisciplinary research to investigate the social, environmental, and health implications of insect agriculture and entomophagy. […]