Industry 182
Insetti commestibili al Salone del Gusto
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InsectSpace Symposium
The symposium InsectSpace 2018 will focus on edible insects for human consumption. How can we overcome disgust and repulsion with insects? Researchers, food scientists, entrepreneurs and food designers will present interesting insights about why and how to use insects in our diet. Wageningen – October 10 Info and tickets here
The MIGHTi project
Interview with Valerie Sull, cofounder of Mighti Tell us about the project Mighti MIGHTi –which stands for the Mission to Improve Global Health Through Insects- is a collaborative research project housed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA. We use robust, interdisciplinary research to investigate the social, environmental, and health implications of insect agriculture and entomophagy. […]
Insects feed from Portugal
Interview with Daniel Murta, Entogreen founder Tell us how you got involved in the insects world and how the project Entogreen started This project started in 2012, at first focusing on Tenebrio Molitor (TM) for food. At the time I was doing my Veterinary Medicine PhD and it was very difficult to have such a […]
Novel Food: new applications
The Belgian Insect Industry Federation submitted two new dossiers for house crickets and grasshoppers! This is a great new, especially because they didn’t apply for data protection. More infos on the Novel Food application here.
Edible insects: source of Vitamin D
Interview with Dr. Dennis Oonincx, researcher at the Animal Nutrition Group of the Wageningen University Our usual first question: how did you get interested in insects? I started keeping reptiles when I was a ten year old and hence came into contact with insects used as feed. In the years that followed I started to […]