Kitchen 53
Master Bug: cooking at home with insects
Master Bug is the first italian site (and YouTube Channel) where you can find videorecipes to cook at home with edible insects. Master Bug is a project by Roberto Cavasin, a passionate of italian traditional way of cooking…but intentioned to mix tradition with these new ingredients. Master Bug’s recipes will be soon subtitled in english. Stay […]
Crazy Fooders: don’t miss the event!
Don’t miss this event! Three amazing books about future foods, edible insects, anthropology, gastronomy and many other interesting issues. Entonote with Doctor Gourmeta (Carlo Spinelli) and Luis Devin: CRAZY FOODERS Dec. 2 2016 – h:19.00 – Verso Libri – Milan
“An insect in the plate” available in the bookshops
As entomophagy popularizer, I feel encouraged when I’m in front of two equally-stimulated and willing-to-repropose persons as I am. You got it right: re-propose, because human entomophagy it’s just forgotten, but had lived in the same places in which we’re living now. Entomophagy as “knowledge” able to translate flavors of the past, as man/nature balance, […]
Insects as human food: the african case
24/11/2016: The first event of the project “Insects as human food, tradition, present and future”, organized by the Institute of Advanced Studies (ISA) of the University of Bologna. During the conference, insects-made snacks will be presented and the consumers will be asked to answer some questions for a survey on their attitude regarding this novel […]
A bug in the plate: the new book from Entonote
“I have a bug in the plate!” For many this statement is disgusting, others are indifferent, but it makes the mouth water for almost 2 billion people. Through a journey into the world of edible insects we discover how they have been part of the human diet from ancient times to today. In which countries? How […]
Rossano Linassi: entomophagy in Brazil
Rossano Linassi is a young and solar brazilian chef who realizes delicious dishes with insects, participates in many TV shows, conferences and workshops. I contacted him and we have a long intercontinental chat conversation about edible insects and gastronomy. His enthusiasm is contagious and in few messages he involves you in his amazing reality! How […]