Kitchen 53
Master Bug: Tiramisù with cricket flour
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Crickè: a great event in Milan
Crické in Milan for a buffet dinner with a unique flavor. Sunday, June 25, 2017: In the timeless beauty of the 15th century Chiostro delle Umiliate, guests had the occasion for a food&wine tour to discover insects in the table. The menu of the event was a real jump in the future, with a wide selection of […]
Cooking with insects made easy
Interview with Anouk Zoet and Julien Zimmer, co-founders of Oh my bug Tell us how you got involved in the edible insects world 2 years ago, Julien had to do some research about entomophagy for his work as a video journalist. Because of that, we started to read more and more articles explaining the environmental […]
Chef Luciano Monosilio: the future in the kitchen
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Insects pasta at the University of Palermo
Monday , May 8 . 9:30AM – 14:00PM Spagrillo will be participating to the scientific conference “Insetti a tavola? I Novel food e le frontiere dell’alimentazione umana“, held in the Agriculture Department, Palermo University. The topic will be discussed from different affirmed lecturers of Palermo, Bologna, Napoli and Piacenza University, as well as Paul […]