One for all and all for one! From Alexandre Dumas in the 19th century to the entomoculture actors in the 21st, the motto applies: the power of the group is the most powerful to defend a cause.
A main barrier limiting the development of a sustainable and innovative protein source i.e Insects, relies on education and awareness lack, from schools to regulators, from industry to research. Removing this barrier is a full-time job, and the outputs are beneficial to all stakeholders.
This is where an association makes sense, to join forces, aiming at a common goal: providing a food security, water and waste management tool to our challenging population growth.
The first meeting of the insects as food and feed group in South-East Asia will be held on the 23rd of August 2016, in Bangkok, Thailand, AETS office.
Through debates and discussions, the goal is to develop a strong representative association aiming at promoting the use of insects for food and feed, sharing with competent Authorities its requirements and expectations, or exchanging on possible production issues. Moreover, discussion with the IPIFF (International Producers of Insects for Food and Feed) and the newly established NAEIC (North American Edible Insects Coalition) will enable international collaborations.
For more information, Nathan Preteseille: